Leadership Toolbox 6: Inspiring a Common Vision

Allan Cheng
7 min readSep 25, 2020

Transformational Behaviors

When you have a grand vision, that’s step 1. The next step is to inspire your people to march forward in achieving that vision.

“A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.” — Salvador Dali

Similarly, leadership is not about crafting the best vision, but enlisting others to achieve a shared one. The following behaviors help leaders today in inspiring their people to transform.

  • The leader genuinely describes the situations transparently, and is able to paint and articulate a vivid and purposeful vision to the team, department or organization.
  • The leader uses visual format and digital artefacts across multiple platforms or channels to present the situations and visions to their team members.

A ‘Vision for your Mission’

Broadly, there are 2 schools of thought when come to determining if vision or mission should come first. I can relate why there’s this dilemma as some people found a purpose first followed by a vision statement, and in order for them to achieve this vision, they developed a mission; while others embedded their purpose in their mission statement and hence, that set the stage for where they will be heading with a…

